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The Microbial Science Behind BioGrow 365 

Source: Yale Scientific July, 2014 
Synthetic Fertilizers Science Compared to BioGrow 365

Modern synthetic fertilizers essentially were transformed when facilities that produced ammonia and synthetic nitrates for explosives were converted to the production of nitrogen based fertilizers at the end of the Second World War.

The primary ingredients found in most synthetically produced fertilizers contain three elements; Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). For this reason, synthetic fertilizers are often referred to as NPK fertilizers. Nitrogen is the primary need for pushing plant growth so for the purposes of this brief discussion we will only deal with it; however the processes involved in synthesizing phosphorus and potassium are similar.

The air we breathe is approximately 78% nitrogen. Nitrogen is a tricky element in that it is tightly bound, and as such it has to go through a process of alterations or become "fixed" before it can be made available and useful for a plant. Becoming fixed is the first step in the process. The second step requires a further procedure that changes the nitrogen from an organic to a mineralized form that can only occur through microbiology. At the turn of the century, it was found that when air was exposed to the hydrogen molecules in natural gas, the nitrogen would "fix" to the hydrogen when the mixture of air and natural gas was exposed to high heat and pressure. Thus, we found a way of capturing atmospheric nitrogen for agricultural use. Having said that, there are complications. The nitrogen that is fixed is not by itself. Rather, it is found in the ammonia that is created in the process (NH4). A common fertilizer created in this way in called anhydrous ammonia. It is the most common as it is the first chemical produced in the process, has high nitrogen content, and is kept in liquid form under pressure for application. While a high source of Nitrogen, anhydrous ammonia and its granular counterparts have many drawbacks. First, it is poisonous. Exposure to anhydrous ammonia in vapor or liquid form can cause severe injuries to the eyes and lungs including fatalities. Second, when anhydrous ammonia comes in contact with water, it forms the corrosive alkaline ammonium hydroxide. When anhydrous ammonia is applied into the ground, a significant amount can be lost as vapor if the moisture conditions aren't perfect or if the application depth is too high or too low. Third, ammonia kills most bacteria, including the nitrifying bacteria needed in the soil to continue the conversion of the "fixed nitrogen" into a form useable by the plant. Much of the applied nitrogen is at risk of being lost through leeching, runoff from rain, denitrification and so on. Released nitrates in the environment cause substantial damage to waterways and aquifers and can cause everything from birth defects to toxic algae plumes in rivers, streams and oceans. It is well established that the agricultural runoff from the Ohio Basin into the Gulf of Mexico causes the annual "dead zone" in the gulf which in some years is the size of Texas. Phosphorus discharge is one of the greatest issues facing the state of Florida and many other states with high agricultural outputs. Many states are considering or have enacted legislation to limit synthetic agricultural fertilizers. BioGrow 365 offers a significant hedge against this risk.


How BioGrow 365 Works


BioGrow 365 delivers nitrogen to a plant in a completely different way than the synthetic chemicals it competes with. Rather than capturing atmospheric nitrogen and applying it as a solution or granule, it has found a method to isolate, capture and grow nitrifying bacteria once abundant in soils and apply these to the ground or the plant in a liquid solution. These bacteria or “microbes” are able to capture atmospheric and soil-based nitrogen sources and convert them into a form useable by all plant life. Fertilizers alone are incapable of converting organic nitrogen into the mineralized form required. BioGrow 365 also contains solubilizing bacteria which are able to convert phosphorus, potassium and other elements and make them plant available. Unlike other microbes available on the market, the microbiology in BioGrow 365 is unique in that the microbes are able to be held and grown in solution indefinitely and a food source and carbon host is provided for the microbes to ensure they survive and multiply profusely when applied to the ground.

In addition to its nitrifying and solubilizing microbes, BioGrow 365 also sends a complete food and nutrient source available immediately for uptake by the plant along with beneficial microbes. The nutrient source is derived from specific poultry manure which is highly composted to ensure the complete elimination of pathogens. An enzyme process is applied to the composted manure to extract the nutrient. There is no manure of any kind in BioGrow 365; only extracted nutrients. These nutrients include nitrogen, potassium, calcium, sulphur, carbon, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and selenium. As such, BioGrow 365 is a full spectrum nutrient, organic fertilizer and soil rejuvenator.

BioGrow may be applied by hand/mechanical/aerial sprayers, drip irrigation, pivots, flood irrigation, and so on. In summary, BioGrow 365 is not a significant source of NPK. Rather, it is a complete food source and microbial mix which uses the unlimited supply of atmospheric and soil based nitrogen plus the full spectrum nutrition contained in BioGrow 365 and converts all of this through microbiology into a form readily available by plants. 


BioGrow 365 Efficacy


In study after study, test after test, crop after crop BioGrow 365 has kept up with and in most cases substantially out-performed the yields produced by synthetic fertilizers in the first year of use. It generally accomplishes this at a substantial cost saving to the farmer’s fertilizer costs. 


Science Summary


BioGrow 365 is simply in a category unto itself. Comparisons to any organic or synthetic fertilizers currently available in the market are completely inappropriate. It is a complete food source. It acts as a fertilizer; but its nitrogen component is found in nitrifying bacteria, not chemically captured atmospheric nitrogen. It is generally significantly cheaper than synthetic fertilizers. Its microbiology creates healthier and more diverse soils. It increases yields and Brix levels in all plants tested and used on. It is able to capture and convert synthetic fertilizers bound up in soils into plant available food sources. It has no negative consequences in the environment or local ecology; to the contrary it is healthy and helpful to the environment. One Wall Street expert has called BioGrow 365 a “disruptive technology”. We agree that BioGrow 365 is a game changing, next generation nutrient. Although organically certified, most of BioGrow 365's client base is comprised of traditional farmers looking for a significant economic edge. 

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